Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's All about ME! (written spring 2007)

It's all about me.....isn't it???

A few years ago I went to a Christian Leader's conference. Our first assignment of the day was to write; "It's not all about me" on an empty name badge. Our second assignment was to smack the sticky side to our foreheads. Being one to do as I'm told, I complied. But at the first break I became a wild rebel and ripped off that silly sticker and threw it in the trash. That might have been the first of many acts of rebellion, now that I think about it!

I agree that when it comes to relationships, work, family, etc. that I am not the center of the universe. I should put others first when it is reasonable to do so.However, in reality, a lot of what I experience every day really is about me.

Only I can choose the right thoughts, attitudes and actions that will affect me. I am the only one who has walked the exact places where God has guided me--or allowed me to wander aimlessly. I acknowledge that the good stuff which happens is much more the result of The Savior's provision and protection than my own abilities. The bad stuff is usually the result of my own selfish choices and the fact that we live in a broken universe. But it's my stuff. Some is worth sharing with others -- some should be burried under a rock.

So that's why I started a web-page and a blog. It's a place to celebrate the special moments of life and vent my thoughts through a keyboard. If they are never read or viewed that's OK with me. If my friends or family want to read my stuff, they will learn more about me - perhaps more than they wanted to know!

The pictures are perfect for those George-Baily-days when I wonder if all has been futile and I begin contemplating the location of the nearest bridge. The slide shows assure me that it has been a wonderful life. I'm reminded that many other lives are touched by mine and that I am so blessed by others.

How did the conference end?? Lots of people went around with those sticker mantras on their heads all day. Some had black ink smeared around the borders of their label. I had a blotchy red mark where mine had been. The moral of this story?...don't stick other people's words on your head, and it's OK if it's all about you sometimes!

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