Tuesday, January 29, 2008

In Five Days...... (written August 2, 2007)

In five days my daughter turns 21. There has been no need to nudge her out of the nest. Her wings were stretched to fly a few years ago. Before Valerie was born an ultrasound scan predicted she would be a girl. We kept that information to ourselves. However, I did keep my eyes open for baby-girl clothing at garage sales. At one such treasure hunt I came across several dresses in perfect condition. I went home to wash them and carefully fold the tiny dresses to prepare for her arrival. After her birth more frilly frocks came our way as we received gifts for our new baby girl. Valerie's Dad said that some of those dresses looked uncomfortable. He was right. I think Valerie overheard and agreed. I found that even as an infant she seemed more content with simple things. I discovered that I could calm her down by stripping off the excess lace and ribbons. As a toddler she sat patiently on the bathroom vanity while I combed her curly red hair and placed one or two tiny barrettes to match the outfit she was wearing. After I lowered her to the floor she would toddle to the next room where she promptly pulled out the barrettes and re-arranged her freshly-combed hair with the palms of both hands. During her pre-school years we had long mornings together. Before we could start our day we had to get through the chaos of seeing her big brother to school and her baby brother settled for nap. During that time she was glued to the TV watching "Zoobly Zoo" - a program which fascinated her. Immediately following her favorite show was another that she did not like. I tried to stay alert and turn off the TV before Mr. Rogers appeared on the screen. If I didn't, she would run whining into the kitchen stating over and over, "He's not my neighbor!" I had never heard of a child so traumatized by Mr. Rogers. But doesn't it make sense to be leery of men in sneakers and sweaters who sing songs? As her 21st birthday approaches there is no longer much that frightens Valerie. She is learning about herself, her likes and dislikes - things more important than clothes and hairstyles. She is beautiful on the outside, but even more lovely on the inside. Her relationships are important to her and she is generous to friends and family. She loves to buy the perfect gift or decorate a special birthday cake for a friend. She has been careful about the young men she has dated which have been very few. I've known that whomever she fell in love with would be a special person and that seems to be the case with her boyfriend Mat. She will be spending her 21st birthday on a five-week adventure involving her greatest passions; the country and language of France and visiting her French boyfriend Mathieu. I'm not at all surprised that she is not at home for her big day. I'm happy that she is chasing her dreams instead of being home with me – as much as I miss her. Sometimes she reminds me of another young woman who followed her heart five days before her 21st birthday and married her father. My adventure took place in Central Illinois. Some might wonder if I should have made a different choice, but I would not say so. That commitment brought me many blessings including Valerie - and now the adventure continues. Before Valerie was born I chose her name, just because I liked it. Her Father liked it too so it was an easy decision. It's funny how names end up reflecting the character of a person. Valerie is taken from the masculine Valerius. This ancient Roman surname means "to be strong" and was given to many of the early saints. As my daughter's 21st birthday approaches I feel confident that she has the strength to face the wildness and risks of life – even if she may not think so at times. I admire the woman she has become. When I grow up, I want to be just like her. ....

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