Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shades of Gray

I named this blog Shades of Gray because that is where I live. I used to live inBlack and White. The move to where I am now has been gradual. Traveling here has been very difficult and there has been a lot of heartache along the way. It is also a difficult place to live. You have to pay attention and you have to think.

Black and White is a great place because it's easier. Everything is right or wrong, good or bad, happy or sad, wise or foolish. There are many simple formulas for everything. If you do X, Y will always be the outcome. If your outcome isn't "good" you probably did something "bad", which makes you "foolish" instead of "wise" and "sad" instead of "happy". To be happy all you need to do is be wise, be good and do what is right. Many people live in Black and White for their entire lives and are quite content. Life has turned out just as they have expected. But life is flat and predictable.

Here in Shades of Gray life is different. Formulas don't always work. Sometimes what looks bad is actually good and what seems wise turns out to be foolish. Often what is sad turns out in the long run to bring happiness. I haven't lived here very long but I am learning that there are worse things than being wrong, foolish or sad. Things like being bigoted, hateful and hopeless. There are also deeper things than happiness -- there is joy--which lasts longer. Instead of wisdom there is humility that is comfortable saying; "I don't know." Instead of being "right" there is contentment which brings peace and eventually love. Love of self, Love of God and Love for others. I think that is what it's like to live in Shades of Gray. I could be wrong. I haven't lived here long, but I can't go back to Black and White.

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